Sunday, October 9, 2011

We're open!

This is a typical scene when a business opens in China.  I was walking down the street and could see the firecrackers going off so I decided to cross the street instead of walking through the debris.  Chinese people obviously don't care but I'm always scared there will be one that hasn't gone off yet and goes off when I walk on it.   There are always tacky funeral looking flowers outside a new business.  I'm not actually sure what kind of a place it is.  It looks like a spa.

Down the street there were more firecrackers but I'm not sure what they were for.  Maybe a wedding - or maybe because it was Sunday.  During the past couple weeks due to the holiday I've heard firecrackers a lot more than usual.   I've also been very close to them and noticed they don't tell people to get out of the way until after they've already lit them.  Chinese people are so funny.

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