Friday, April 29, 2011

Xi'an City Wall

The city center of Xi'an is surrounded by a wall that was built in the 14th century.  One of the main tourist attractions is to go on the wall.  It is over 8.5 miles all the way around.  Luckily this is a city that gives directions in north, south, east, west  and the streets are pretty much a grid.  So I keep track of my directions based on where I am in relationship to which gate.   I live outside of the East Gate.

Me and four of my friends from work had a fun day at the wall.  Lorynn and Giselle rented bikes.  Heather, Ngeri, and I walked around all 8.5 miles.  It took us 5 hours (we were taking our time). It was a perfect day and we all got sunburned.

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