Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I made it to week 24!

This past weekend was the last one of the term.  To celebrate with the students we called it the party weekend.  They brought lots of food and I brought candy and games to play.  With my little kids I read them a Dr. Seuss book.  Some of the students brought in a talent to show everyone.

(This is one of my favorite classes of little ones. Callie, posing in the front, said to me in the middle of class one day 'You're a BEAUTIFUL teacher'.)

(This is my favorite class because it is filled with different personalities. They don't know a lot of words but they tried hard to get to know me with the English words they do know.)

(This is my least favorite class. They were uncontrollable and I dreaded walking in there every Saturday.  They were the only class I yelled at and basically just gave up trying to teach by the end of my hour each week.  It didn't help that they were right before lunch.)

(Rina showed off her latin dancing)

(Gary took pictures of EVERYTHING and everyone)

(Tiger played the violin and also did a pretty impressive dog imitation)

(Tiger's music stand, I can't remember his name, he took his job very seriously)

(Our poor cleaning women cleaned our classrooms after every class.  Not only did all the garbage cans look like this the floor had chips and candy smashed all over it.)

(I had no idea Jerry was a hip hop dancer.)

(After our last class we went downstairs for dinner.  We were celebrating the end of the semester and saying goodbye to my roommate Lorynn and one of our Chinese teachers Molly.)
I saved the best for last!  Gary is a sweetheart and possibly my favorite student from this semester.  Every Saturday before class he would come into our office and sit with me.  He asked me questions with his minimal English such as,  Do you like to read?  Do you like red?  Do you like tea?  Can you run?  Can you swim?   Then when it was time to go to class he would carry my things for me.  Sometimes he would bring me and the Chinese teacher little gifts.  On the exam day he gave me a packet of tissues they were handing out on the street and what appeared to be a weed.  During our last class he hurt his finger and walked around with it in this position. 

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