Tuesday, July 24, 2012

When is the best time to see a panda?

Thinking it was better to see the pandas on a sunny day we waited till what we thought was a perfect sunny afternoon.

Unfortunately this is what we found on our sunny day:

Turns out it was too hot for pandas.    However, the red pandas were out and enjoying visitors. To our surprise they didn't stay in their enclosures......

We decided to try seeing the pandas again on another day. We got up really early and arrived at 8:30am.  This was MUCH better.  We saw many happy pandas just waiting for us to take pictures of them.
If I hadn't been with my friend I probably wouldn't have visited the pandas - much less gone twice.  But that is one of the benefits of traveling with someone - you do things you wouldn't normally do and it always turns out to be good.  The grounds of the panda base are beautiful and I was glad we went back for the 2nd visit.


Benjamin said...

What time of day do they usually do kung fu?

Joy said...

Unfortunately they usually do kung fu after all the visitors have done home. :-(