Friday, March 2, 2012

Why it would take a lot of convincing for me to date a Chinese guy....

I wanted to title this blog 'Why I Will Never Date a Chinese Guy'.  But I know as soon as I put that out there my next post will be 'I'm Dating a Chinese Guy'.

So, I'm at a bar, having a normal conversation with my friend when all of a sudden I notice a guy crying in the booth infront of me.  He was crying so hard I thought it had to be a joke.  I couldn't hear what the girl was saying to him but it was causing him to cry an uglier cry than Oprah could ever cry.  Chinese MEN have beat Oprah in the ugly cry department. 

So if it stopped here I might still be writing this blog post - but it did not stop here.  He literally crumbled before our eyes.  After many minutes of crying, and me trying not to look at the uncomfortable train crash happening in front of my eyes, the girl gets up and walks out.  Oh boy, what's going to happen now???  First he cried with his head down on to the table, then he started banging his head on the table.  Then he laid down in a pool of tears on the booth seat.  At this point the next part seemed inevitable - he fell right down onto the floor - still crying the ugly cry. 

We looked around and realized we were the only ones witnessing this scene.  As I've said before the Chinese are not afraid to stare and that's about all the waitresses did when we told them.  An older gentleman walked in, looked at the sobbing blob underneith the table, and just kept right on walking.  No one helped this obviously troubled man.  Eventually his girl came back and tried to console him but he was weeping even louder at that point. 

When we couldn't watch it any longer we decided to leave, go home alone, and be thankful that we are single.  We assumed this girl was breaking up with this guy.  She actually looked older than him so in our made up story she was his first love, but she is married, pregnant with his kid, and refuses to leave her husband.  He can't handle it.

This isn't the first public sighting of a crying Chinese man but I know this is an exaggerated version.  I am purely judging on what I saw.  Obviously I don't know all the information but my side of the story was just too good not to share.  Poor guy - hope he's ok now.

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