Monday, August 20, 2012

Letting things happen.....

Losing simple things I normally take for granted has made the past couple weeks a challenge. After having a hot workout I couldn't wait to jump in the cold shower. However, while working out the water had been shut off.   The water didn't come back on till the end of the day when I could finally have a shower, make food, flush the toilet, boil drinking water, etc.   I'd be living for the next couple days with the water going on and off.   A few days after the first time the water went out I came home to no electricity.  All I wanted to do was lie in bed in front of my fan, watch tv, drink coffee, do things on the internet, etc (all things that need electricity).  It is anywhere from 93-100 degrees these days and I live on the 21st floor.  I don't have AC and I need my fan to be comfortable.  I arrived home and realized I couldn't do anything I planned to do.  Gratefully, I took a cold shower.  But it was too hot to go outside so as I laid in bed with a wet towel I thought about what I learned this week.

Life doesn't go as planned.  Being able to adapt and go with the flow is hugely important and something China reminds me on a daily basis.  This is true for anyone's life and it is a reminder we don't have much control, if any, of our life.  Let things happen.  If something doesn't go your way or you are forced to change your plans, embrace it.  Too often we don't see the good in these situations.  Having no electricity on an incredibly hot day when all I wanted to do was lay in front of the fan and watch TV gave me time to think and write by candle light instead of doing mindless things.  I was able to take a break from the internet.  It was a reminder to live mindfully and appreciate where I am at this very moment.

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