Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dating in China

This week I went to my first Chinese wedding.  Before I write about the wedding I'm going to write a bit about dating and marriage in China.  It is something that probably fascinates me the most right now because it is vastly different than our Western way of dating and getting married.

The actual act of dating is similar.  They have blind dates, they meet people online, they even have a day dedicated to singles (See picture above.  Singles day is always on 11/11).

The part that's different is what they're looking for in their future spouse.  One of my Chinese friends summed it up: 'In other countries love is enough.  In China love is not enough'.  So what is important?  A good job and money. My friend is actually in love with her boyfriend.  I've found this to be rare. I don't usually see the love in someone's eyes when they talk about their boyfriend or husband.  But with her I see it.  The problem is her parents don't like him because he doesn't make enough money.  She says they will never get married because he will probably never make enough money.  In fact her parents don't know she is still with her boyfriend. 

I don't talk to many guys but during one of my classes with my private student who is 24, we got into a nice discussion about what he was looking for.    He said he wants 'real, tender, romantic love'.  So, he doesn't mind waiting till he's 30 to get married.   It was sweet.  I don't hear many girls talk like that.  They are so desperate to get married by the time their 25.  God forbid they don't find anyone by 28.   It's hard for some to believe I'm 31 and don't even have a boyfriend.  I guess I don't have to say I feel old here. 

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