Monday, August 8, 2011

Huangluo Yao Village and the Longji Terrarced Rice Fields

There really aren't words to describe the Huangluo Yao Village (women with long hair village) and the Longji Terrarced Rice Fields. It's a 3 bus journey (or 3.5 hours) to get there from Yangshuo - even with a tour group. The pictures don't do it justice. It is definitely worth the trip.

I didn't get many good pictures of the women with long hair.  In this village the women wear the pants in the relationship and run the household.  They grow their hair to more than 5 feet! It's a very interesting culture.

Lots of steps to climb to the top.

You could be carried up and down the steps!

1 comment:

MKGeston said...

We were there!! So fun to see your photos (having just been there ourselves)--they bring back so many wonderful memories. Very cool:)