Thursday, April 7, 2011

Who needs diapers?

I was finally able to take some pictures for this post.  It's something I found shocking at first but now I'm barely fazed by it.
That's right - most kids don't wear diapers. They wear pants with a slit.  Not just any pants - what we call snow pants.  And if they have to go to the bathroom......
They don't need a bathroom, they will go anywhere, anytime.  I've heard even on the bus, though I haven't witnessed that.  If they go more than pee it does usually get cleaned up.  Their parents carry the child around with their butt exposed and don't seem nervous that they could have quite a mess to clean up at any moment.
Obviously this works for them so I'm not judging.  There don't seem to be messes all over parent's clothes so they must know when the child needs to be put down to assume the squatting position. (This is also getting them ready for public toilets.)  Seems like a great money saver.  From what I've heard diapers are really expensive in the States and they probably are in China as well.

There are so many differences between our culture and Chinese culture.  That's what I'm here to learn and be fascinated by!

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