Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Chinese cure all is......

Hot water!  I was home sick one day and someone called to check on me.  Their remedy for my stomach ache was hot water.   Your throat hurts? Drink hot water.  You have cramps? Drink hot water.  A cough?  Hot water.   In one of my classes we were talking about getting rid of hiccups. One student suggested drinking hot water.

I read that it goes back to when they had to always boil their water inorder to drink water.  These days everyone has a water cooler.  And a man drives around with bottles to refill it.  He climbs 7 flights of stairs with ours. 

I have to say though - I am drinking a lot of hot water.  It is everywhere.  The water coolers are in all businesses it seems like, in the school waiting rooms, break rooms, every student at school has a cold or hot water bottle with them.  On break I grab my mug and drink some hot water.  At home I drink hot water.  I like hot drinks and just having hot water, or hot water with honey is somehow satisfying.

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