Monday, June 27, 2011

Learning a language is hard

I feel for my students.

My tutor left Xi'an for the summer.  This gave me the push I needed to try out some classes at a local Chinese school.   Unfortunately I had to join the advanced class for the first week until a new beginner class was started.  The classes are taught with very minimal English - the same way I teach my students (with virtually no Chinese).   I found that trying to learn at a level you have not yet reached is one of the most frustrating experiences.

Signs you or your students are learning at the wrong level:
-Feeling exhausted
-Blank stares
-A face filled with question marks
-Pretending to understand when you don't
-Feeling lost and hopeless
-Feeling as though you know nothing and should just give up

In class I was forgetting words I've known for months.  I couldn't pronounce anything.  My tones completely went out the window.  An outsider probably thought I hadn't taken more than a few hours of Chinese in my life.  Yet I've been studying for a good 3 months.

In my determination to learn Chinese I'm still trying to find what works best for me.  I have 6 hours of class every week plus I'm meeting with a new tutor 2 hours a week.  I do a lot of studying on my own with flashcards, Pimsleur audio lessons, listening to Chinese podcasts, and watching Chinese news.

I think the most important part of learning a new language, and what I'm sometimeslacking, is speaking and listening to real people.  I don't know how I expect to learn if I don't practice speaking to actual people.  Sometimes I don't care if I sound ridiculous so I go for it and other times I would rather not say anything then risk sounding ridiculous.  It is all about the level of my confidence. That is why I can whole heartedly relate to my students. Especially the ones that drive me insane with a permanent blank stare plastered on their precious Chinese face.  Those are truly the ones that need my attention and a boost in confidence.  It will make all the difference in whether or not I can get through to them.

As I was looking for pictures for this post I decided to check out the website for my Chinese school.   One day before class someone popped in with a camera took a couple photos and ran out. I figured they were so bad they'd never see the light of day.  I was wrong.  I look like a wet dog because it was raining and I had taken a shower before class.  YIKES. 

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