Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!

Having already lived through the 4th in China there was nothing particiulary patriotic about it.  Why would there be since I'm not in America?  I saw a couple Americans and we exchanged Happy 4th's!

I found it interesting in Chinese class that the Chinese people are aware it is our Independence Day.  The 'zhong guo du li ri' (China's Independence day) is October 1st.    The way in which they celebrate their day sounds a lot like how we celebrate ours- everyone is really happy, no one works, and there are a lot of fireworks.  Fireworks are hardly just an Independence Day tradition here but it'll be interesting to see if they bring out anything different on October 1st.  I will be paying extra EXTRA care where I'm walking.

I hope everyone had a great Independence Day!  On this day I remember how truly grateful I am to be an American.  We are so lucky to be born in a country where we can do and become what we want, a country with so much diversity, and a country with English as our native language.  I have so much to be grateful for and being in China on the 4th is even more of a reminder.

HAPPY 4th!!!

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